Plug A Steak (Short Film)
“Plug a Steak” is a short film for promoting an environmentally friendly idea in a funny way. “How much energy to consume to produce beef?” is the topic of this short film. We deliberately use the pantomime-movie style to make this film by using the digital camera to take a sequence of still photographs—instead of using a filming machine to record a video—and stream the photos together into a video eventually. This is meant to create the effect of not-smooth motion, just like the black and white movie in the old times.
In this short film, The color and the lightening effect are the result of digital post-production, but the main actor, Joshua Chao, in this short film is an inborn performer with extraordinary talent who perfectly complete the action of the whole photo-shooting in the first time. This short film is funny and enjoyable to every audiences in its premiere, and the audiences are very interested in the magical power source of the steak.
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