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Also known as “wordmark”. Different from “logomark”.

A distinct text-only typographic treatment of company name.


3 colors of Logotype

In 4 formats


Define The Safty Frame

Step 1

Assume that “2X” is the height of the whole logotype.

Step 2

Expand each side by “X” to create the safty frame.


Do’s and Don’ts

Keep clean within the safty frame

All other designs should not be placed within the safty frame.

Only “background” is not subject to this limit.

Use “Primary Wine” or “Black” on undertone background

Make sure the color is correct. Use “Black” only in K printing.

Use “White” on dark or black background

Do not use “Primary Wine” or “Black”.

Use “White” on colorful or moving background

Do not use “Primary Wine” or “Black”, unless the colorful or moving background is mostly undertone.

Keep the original shape and color

Do not transform, or use different colors.